Monday, November 22, 2010

Swallowed Objects - A tip for parenting

Babies and young children generally put almost everything into their mouth, thats how they understand shape and taste of the objects. Most of the objects pass from the throat to the esophagus to the stomach and eventually pass out in stool. Some times it got stuck in the throat which results in choking. One of the nightmare of first time parents is this and I learned it hard way.

On one occasion my friends visited my house and gifted a ring to my kid. After they left, me, my wife and my kid went for grocery shopping. While returning we find the ring missing, when I touch my kids finger it was wet. Panic stuck, we made a frenetic search every where. We went to all the shops we visited and inquired, everyone started advising how to be careful. We couldn't find it anywhere and so thought of taking him to hospital. I told my wife to take him home and get ready while I went another round searching. Luckily I found that ring under my parked car.

On another occasion my kid was playing with a teddy bear. Suddenly I noticed its nose and one eye were missing. Again we searched the entire house and found out the nose, but couldn't find the eye. We took him to the hospital immediately. X-Ray was ruled out since the eye is made of plastic. Doctor told us not to worry since he was playing well. He told us to wait for couple of days and examine his stool carefully OMG (Ithu oru polapa). The doctor also gave a pill which has to be inserted in his anus if he struggle to pass out. It was very frightening, whenever he struggles we don't know whether it was because of constipation or the because he is pushing the object out. Our wait was in vain, nothing turned out.

Here are some of my tips:
  • Inspect the room carefully every time you enter the room.
  • Don't give raw carrot, nuts, popcorn, hard chocolates, anything difficult to swallow before 18 months.
  • If your kid is sitting in the same place for few minutes without playing check the mouth immediately.
  • Don't give small objects for the kids to play. Avoid small cars, toy car tires, marbles, beads, safety pin, coins, button battery, busted balloon.
  • Before giving any toy check whether it has some broken or loose parts.
  • Avoid keeping coins,medicines,hazardous materials reachable to kids.
  • If you are ultra rich baby proof your entire house. 
  • Choking
  • Vomiting
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Making noise while breathing
It is common that kids eat things which should not be eaten like clay, soil, chalk, even snails and small insects. Even pregnant women develop some unusual carving for strange things. Some children begin to like the taste and go on eating it, this condition is called Pica, this may be due to developmental, behavioral problem consult your pediatrician immediately. 

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