Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mobile Number Portability

The long wait will be over soon, yes the first phase of MNP is rolling out on 25th November in Haryana. MNP allows users to switch between mobile phone service providers without their mobile number getting changed. So here is how MNP works

  1. Send this SMS  "PORT  < Mobile Number >"  to 1900
  2. You will get an SMS with your unique porting code. This is a unique number that will be maintained along with your mobile number with a third party called  MNP Service Provider. 
  3. You need to fill an application with the new service provider quoting your unique number.
  4. The new operator will negotiate with the existing operator on the date and time for porting. Once agreed, the date will be communicated to you and the MNP service provider.
  5. On the set date and time, the mobile number will be disconnected by the current service provider and the new operator will activate it.
Some FAQ's
  • The charge for porting your number is Rs. 19 Max
  • You can switch between operators any number of time. But there is a lock-in period of 90 days with each operator.
  • If you want to move to another state and want to maintain the same number then MNP is not the answer. MNP allows you to port between the operators in the same circle where your number is currently registered.
  • It may take a maximum of 4 days for porting your number.
  • At the time of porting your number will be disconnected for about 2 hours.
  • Pre-paid customers will loose their existing balance when they port the number.
  • Post-paid customers will have to clear all the dues before porting.

Do you like it? If yes don't forget to vote for it.


  1. Was wondering about this, was helpful. thanks. Will review your blog on Indi blogger.

  2. Really worthy info... But I am wondering why there is an agreement between (existing and new)operators while we have independent MNP service provider. And my next question is what is the role of the unique number once the original number is transferred to new operator. Last question :), Is it minimum 4hrs down time or its approx 4hrs to get the records(IMEI<->Mob#) updated across the circle like DNS entry update in computer network?

  3. The unique number is the request number not a number like mobile number.

    The downtime is actually 2hrs, 1 hr for each provider to disconnect you from their network and to enable you to the new providers network .
