Friday, November 26, 2010

Chrome OS is coming, really?

I first heard about Chrome OS when I started using Chrome Browser, I was confused on whether Chrome OS is just like Windows/Linux to be installed on our machine or is it an OS that runs on the Chrome browser. To complicate my understanding, Google came up with Android OS.  Android is another OS similar to Windows Mobile, iOS,etc.  So I thought its just an rumor, but man its happening and its happening fast.

Initially Google wants to make life simpler for people who spends most of the time in internet like checking emails, chatting with friends, looking for information. Why the heck should they wait for the OS to boot or worry about the automatic updates or viruses? So the main objective of Chrome OS is Speed, Simplicity and Secure.

Google Chrome OS is an open source, lightweight operating system that will initially be targeted at net-books. Google's objective is that anyone who is using Chrome OS shall go to any part of the world and still access their contents in seconds, everything is in cloud. Here is an related article on Chrome OS.

But still confusions are there on how native application will run?. I think for a while both Chrome OS and Windows OS will coexist together. People will install Chrome OS in their Windows PC and make Chrome OS as a default OS. User will then boot their computer into Chrome OS, and within seconds be able to use the Chrome browser and web-based apps. When the user needs to run native app, they activate it and Chrome loads Windows in the background.  

So after a while, people will start developing Apps for Chrome OS. Wow, I hope there is bright future for Indian IT companies, at least for next 15 years. Imagine companies trying to port their native applications to Chrome OS!!!

Note: Acer is working on a net-book which runs on a Chrome OS and may be available this year or early next year.


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