Friday, November 12, 2010

Amazing Kinect!!!

Microsoft has come up with their next gen gaming console Kinect. It redefines the gaming no joysticks, no controller, nothing. You just simply convert your whole body into joystick and start playing. I played a lot using Nitendo Wii, it basically works on the principle of motion control. You get a Wiimote, we can use it to play the games. That brings a problem if we have a additional friend who likes to join us to play the game. Kinect comes handy here everyone in the hall can almost play the game.

Kinect is awesome, easy to install. You can flip through the menus just by waving the hands. It picks up all the motions, voice almost anything. It combines the social networking feature in it too. You can connect to a friend who has kinect using WiFi  and play a game.

Xbox 360 4 GB Console with Kinect costs around Rs.22,990. You can pre-order it here


  1. Hi Jeeva,

    Kinect is good no doubt but it is not very easy to install according to the initial reviews. It also seems to require a very controlled environment and there is a lag in translating the user movements to the game. Also, the initial launch games with the Kinect are not good. Microsoft has some work to do on this. However i agree that the kinect is a revolutionary system and heres a post i wrote about its future. Its in my blog:-

  2. Ulag,
    I agree with you that the games are not too good and some glitches here and there but I am seeing this as a new technology which can be and will be exploited and used across different sectors.

    Down the road may be after 5 years it can be improvised to perform a remote surgery, can be bundled with TV so that advertisements are delivered based on Gender, Mood, No of people etc..
