Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Mark Zuckerberg announced a new messaging system yesterday which was earlier considered as "gMail Killer". Here are some of the features of the new messaging system

  • It combines SMS, IM and e-Mail together.
  • Once you have @Facebook id, anyone can mail you using traditional mailing system.
  • All the messages from someone who you really cares(There seems to be a privacy setting to control this)  will reside in "Social Inbox".
  • Rest of the messages like bank statement, credit card bills etc will reside in "Others" folder. It works pretty much like "Priority inbox" of gmail.
  • You need not worry how the messages are delivered, If you are online the messages will be delivered to you as IM.
  • There is no Subject,CC or BCC fields. The focus is purely on the message. Choose to whom you want to send the message, type the message and enter it.
  • Entire conversation history is stored in your inbox. 
  • It now works on Invite only.
You can request your invite here. Go grab yours!!! 

Note: Gmail was down shortly after Facebook unveiled its new messaging system.


  1. So now, in addition to having all the details of you and and your friends and your likes and dislikes, Zuckerberg also has access to the content of your mails; seeing which he can target more specific ads to you and increase revenue. He couldnt access data from gmail and hence hes gone ahead and built a mail system in FB itself. Clever!

  2. True, its always scary with FB's privacy policy.
