Wednesday, December 29, 2010

LinkedIn Resume Builder

LinkedIn Labs has come up with a resume builder application which lets you convert your LinkedIn profile into a professional resume. There are few templates available for you to choose. The good thing is it allows us to create online resume and share the link with others and also it enables us to convert it into PDF file for easy printing and sharing.

Do you like it? If yes don't forget to vote for it.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My Wife is a TupperWare consultant now

Yes, my Wife joined the TupperWare bandwagon yesterday. Her carrier path has undergone a tremendous variations,  she experiments a lot with her carrier. She worked as a test engineer, Data-warehousing analyst, consultant and a freelancer. After giving birth to my kid she quit her job and was looking after him. Now he is one year old and she started venturing into another entrepreneurial path.

I came to know about TupperWare when I got my first lunch box, it was very handy, it wont spill and also I can use it in Microwave to pre-heat it. I initially thought they manufacture only lunch boxes but now I came to know that there are hell lot of things they have. There are lots of things to get from TupperWare like canisters, dry storage boxes, water bottles, sippers, refrigerator boxes etc.

So if you guys need anything on TupperWare contact me!!!

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Julian Assanage on Mark Zuckerberg

“What are the differences between Mark Zuckerberg and me? I give private information on corporations to you for free, and I’m a villain. Zuckerberg gives your private information to corporations for money and he’s Man of the Year.”

Julian Assange on SNL 

Do you like it? If yes don't forget to vote for it.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Real Life Social Network by Paul Adams

A wonderful presentation by Paul Adams (Google User Experience Lead) on how the real life social network differs with the one that we have online. This presentation is a very good lesson for anyone designing portal with social networking features. We already saw  how personalize the web has become in this post and this presentation reiterates our view.

Note: Paul Adams is quitting Google and joining Facebook in January

View more documents from Paul Adams.

Do you like it? If yes don't forget to vote for it.

Monday, December 20, 2010

JuiceBerry Addin App

I was busy developing this new App for outlook. I have named it as JuiceBerry(Poor man's Blackberry). Now you can receive email and calendar alerts for Outlook in SMS. Since I don't find any free SMS gateway, I am using Google Calendars SMS feature to make this app work.  Here is the deployment procedure for the App. Anyone who like to use this App add a comment I will share you the setup file. Your feedback about the app are highly appreciated.


Now receive Outlook email and Calendar alerts on your mobile phone via SMS. An extremely amazing service for you, which is newly developed and tested. It sends out SMS for every email you receive in your outlook Inbox and for every appointment alert in your calendar.

  •          MS Outlook 2007
  •          Valid Google Account

Step 1: Setting up JuiceBerry Alert
  • Double-click the setup.exe file. The JuiceBerry PushMail Addin Setup gets displayed.
           Note: Before you get going, make sure to close Outlook 2007.
  • Click on Accept button to proceed ahead. Once the required files are downloaded, Microsoft Office Customization Installer gets displayed.
  •  Click on Install button to install the customization.
  •  Click the Close button to complete the set up process.

Step 2: Validating your Mobile Number    

For MS Outlook users, Google provides a Calendar Sync feature which will keep your Google and Outlook Calendar sync. Thus, you can get SMS alert once you receive an email in your outlook.

To validate your mobile number:
  • Go to Google and Sign in.
  • After you login to google calendar (, click on the Settings>Mobile Set up tab.
  •  Enter mobile number and validate your number.
Step 3: Configuring JuiceBerry Alerts to your Outlook Menu Bar
  • Open Outlook 2007, after you validate your mobile number.
  • Right-click the Outlook Menu Bar, click JuiceBerry Alerts. The configuration button gets displayed in the menu bar.
  • Click the Configurations button. The JuiceBerry configuration gets displayed.
  • Enter your Gmail credentials. Select Received eMail and Appoinment Alert checkboxes.
  • You can receive notifications via SMS, Gmail or Calendar Alert in Google Calendar, so choose the options accordingly.
  • Click the Submit button.

You are done. You will be receiving SMS alerts, whenever you get a new email or Meeting request alert in your outlook.               

Instructions for use
  • JuiceBerry Alerts only works when Outlook is running. Let’s say you want to restart or shutdown your machine for a while, make sure to enter your Gmail credentials by clicking the configuration button in Outlook once you resume back.
  • Make sure you have Outlook 2007, for the JuiceBerry Alert to work.
  • The product connects Google Calendar>Settings>Mobile Setup to configure your mobile number. Hence make sure to have a valid Google Account and Mobile Number.

Do you like it? If yes don't forget to vote for it.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Outlook Reminder Notifier

I have developed an add-in for MS Outlook 2007 which will intimate user by sms whenever there is a remainder in outlook. I tested it in couple of machines and it worked!!! Thanks Karthik for being patient with me to test the app.

Do you like it? If yes don't forget to vote for it.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


"அரசியலில் எனக்குப் புடிச்சது வெறும் கலைஞர்

சினிமாவில் எனக்கு ரொம்ப புடிச்சது புரட்சிக் கலைஞர்"

விருதகிரி பற்றி எழுதும்போது 'பஞ்ச்' இல்லாமல் ஆரம்பிக்கவே படாது. பெரிய பாவம். படம் பார்த்த பத்திரிகையாள நண்பர் ஒருவர் எச்சரித்திருந்தார். "படத்துலே பஞ்ச் பார்த்திருக்கேன். படமே பஞ்சா இருக்கிறதை இப்போதான் பார்க்குறேன்"

உண்மைதான். படத்தின் ஹீரோ-கம் டைரக்டரான டாக்டர் கேப்டன் மட்டுமல்ல. வில்லன், அடியாள்,  அப்பா, அம்மா, சைட் கேரக்டர், சப்பை கேரக்டர், அட்மாஸ்பியருக்கு சும்மா போகிறவர்கள் வருகிறவர்கள் என்று ஆளாளுக்கு பஞ்ச் டயலாக்குகளாக அள்ளித்தெளிக்க, விசில் கும்மாளம் கொண்டாட்டத்தோடு பொழுதைப் போக்க, அருமையான அக்மார்க் கேப்டன் படம்.

எந்திரனின் 'சிட்டி'யாவது ரோபோ. கேப்டனின் விருதகிரி ரத்தமும், சதையுமான மனிதன். ஆனால் ரோபோவை விட சிறந்த 'பைட்டிங்' ஆற்றலோடு, பவர்ஃபுல்லாக விருதகிரி பாத்திரத்தை வடிவமைத்த கேப்டனின் சிந்தனையை தலைகீழாக நின்று தண்ணி அடித்து பாராட்டினாலும் தகும்.

ஸ்காட்லாண்டுயார்டு போலிசார் செம்மொழியில் பேசுகிறார்கள் என்று ஆரம்பக் காட்சியை கண்டதுமே இனம்புரியாத திகில் ஏற்படுகிறது. பதிலுக்கு அவர்களிடம் கேப்டன் இங்கிலீஷில் விளாசும்போது திகிலின் மடங்கு எக்குத்தப்பாக எகிறுகிறது. படம் கொஞ்சநேரம் ஓடியபிறகே புரிகிறது. சப்-டைட்டில் போடாமல், வாய்ஸாகவே மொழியாக்கம் செய்யும் புதுமையான தொழில்நுட்ப முறையை உலக சினிமாவுக்கு டைரக்டர் கேப்டன் அறிமுகப்படுத்தி இருக்கிறார்.

டிரைனிங்குக்காக ஸ்காட்லாண்டு யார்டுக்கு செல்லும் கேப்டன், அங்கே அவர்கள் நாட்டு பிரதமரின் உயிரைக் காப்பாற்றுகிறார். திக்கைத்தனமாக ஸ்காட்லாண்டு யார்டு போலிஸார் தீவிரவாதிகளை கோட்டைவிடும் நிலையில் இருக்கிறார்கள். ஏற்கனவே பாகிஸ்தான், ஆப்கானிஸ்தான், சீனா உள்ளிட்ட நாடுகளின் தீவிரவாதிகளை தாயகம், உளவுத்துறை, நரசிம்மா போன்ற படங்களில் சமாளித்த அனுபவம் நம் கேப்டனுக்கு இருக்கிறது. அந்த அனுபவ ஆற்றலை கொண்டே ஸ்காட்லாண்டு தீவிரவாதிகளை நோண்டி நுங்கெடுக்கிறார். அடுத்த காட்சியே கேப்டன் டிவி செய்திகள். "ஸ்காட்லாண்டு யார்டு பிரதமரை காப்பாற்றி தமிழக ஏ.டி.ஜி.பி. விருதகிரி உலகசாதனை".

நாடு திரும்பி, சென்னை விமான நிலையத்தில் பத்திரிகையாளர்களிடம் பேசுகிறார். "வாழ்க்கை ஐஸ்க்ரீம் மாதிரி. உருகறதுக்குள்ளே சாப்பிட்டுடணும்"

அடுத்த கேமிராவைப் பார்த்து குளோஸப்பில் 'பாராட்டு விழா' குறித்து பஞ்ச்-பை-பஞ்சாக கலைஞருக்கு அட்வைஸ்.

இப்படியாகத் தான் இருக்கிறது விருதகிரி.

இண்டர்வெல் வரை எப்படி படத்தை நகர்த்துவது என்று இயக்குனருக்கு தெரியவில்லை. மன்சூர் அலிகான், சண்முகராஜ் என்று லோக்கல் லுச்சா வில்லன்களை துவம்சம் செய்கிறார். திருநங்கைகள் குறித்த விழிப்புணர்வை ஏற்படுத்துவதாக சொல்லி, மன்சூர் அலிகான் வசனங்கள் மூலமாக அவர்களை கேவலப்படுத்தி இருக்கிறார் கேப்டன். உடல் உறுப்புகளை வெட்டி விற்கும் க்ரூப் ஏதோ கசாப்புக்கடை மெட்டீரியல்களை வைத்து இந்த வேலை செய்வது மாதிரி காட்டியிருப்பது கொடுமை. அதைவிட கொடுமை அந்த உடல்களை கருவாடு மாதிரி உப்புக்கண்டம் போட்டு அலமாரியில் வில்லன் அடுக்கி வைப்பது. கதைக்கு சம்பந்தமேயில்லாமல் வரும் இந்தக் காட்சிகளை கிளைமேக்ஸில் புத்திசாலித்தனமாக(?) இண்டர்நேஷனல் வில்லனுடன் 'கனெக்ட்' செய்வதில்தான் கேப்டனின் சாமர்த்தியம் அடங்கியிருக்கிறது.

இண்டர்வெல்லுக்குப் பிறகு ஆஸ்திரேலிய மாணவர்கள் தாக்கப்படுவதை தடுக்க கேப்டன் கிளம்புகிறார். தெரிந்தோ, தெரியாமலோ என்ன கருமமோ. அல்பேனிய அகதிகளை அசிங்கப்படுத்தி கதையில் சில காட்சிகளை நகர்த்திச் செல்கிறார். இந்தியா உலகின் நெ.1 நாடு ஆகிவிடக்கூடாது என்பதற்காகவே ஆஸ்திரேலியாவில் இந்திய மாணவர்கள் தாக்கப்படுவதை கண்டுபிடிக்கிறார். ஒட்டுமொத்தமாக அழிக்கிறார். உலகமே விருதகிரியைப் பார்த்து வியந்து நிற்கிறது. சுபம்.

இந்தியாவில் மட்டுமல்ல. வெளிநாடுகளிலும் தமிழக போலிஸின் ஏ.டி.ஜி.பி.யான விருதகிரியை படத்தில் எல்லாருக்குமே தெரிகிறது. நம்மூரு இண்டலிஜெண்ஸ் ஐ.ஜி. ஜாபர்சேட்டை மடிப்பாக்கத்தில் இருப்பவர்களுக்கு கூட தெரியமாட்டேன் என்கிறது ஏனென்று தெரியவில்லை. படத்தில் கேப்டன் சோலோவாகவே வருகிறார். அவருக்கு ஜோடி இருந்திருந்தால் டான்ஸ், ரொமான்ஸ் என்று ஆட்டம் அருமையாக களைகட்டியிருக்கும். இந்த வாய்ப்பினை ஏனோ கேப்டன் புறந்தள்ளியிருக்கிறார். குடும்ப அரசியலை வசனங்களில் கிட்டத்தட்ட எல்லா பாத்திரங்களுமே விளாசுகிறார்கள். டைட்டிலில் கேப்டன், கேப்டனின் மனைவி, கேப்டனின் மச்சான், கேப்டனின் மகன்கள் என்று எல்லோரது போட்டோக்களும் காட்டப்படுகிறது.

உங்களுக்கு கேப்டனை பிடித்தால், விருதகிரியையும் பிடிக்கும்.

கலைஞருக்கு பெண்சிங்கம். கேப்டனுக்கு விருதகிரி.

கேப்டன் இந்தப் படத்தை எடுத்துக் கொண்டிருப்பதை தெரிந்துகொண்டு, அவசர அவசரமாக ஹாலிவுட்டில் இதே கதையைப் படமாக்கியிருக்கிறார்கள். அந்தப் படம் குறித்த தகவல்கள் இங்கே.

[நன்றி: யுவகிருஷ்ணா]

 கேப்டன் கொன்னு கொலையெடுக்கும் பஞ்ச் டயலாக்ஸ் 

1. அண்ணே,நீங்களா? வர மாட்டீங்கன்னு நினைச்சோம்,வந்துட்டீங்களே?

நான் வரக்கூடாதுன்னுதான் எல்லாரும் நினைக்கறாங்க.ஆனா காலம் என்னை வர வெச்சுடுச்சு. ( அந்த காலத்தின் தலையில் இடி விழ)

2. ஃபோன்ல டவர் இல்ல,என் வாய்ஸ் கேக்குதா?

உங்க வாய்ஸ்தான் டெல்லி வரை கேக்குதே.. (அவ்வளவு கட்டக்குரலா?)

3. எமன் கிட்டே மாட்டுனவன் கூட தப்பிச்சிடலாம் ,ஆனா விருதகிரிக்கிட்டே மாட்டுனவன் தப்பிக்கவே முடியாது. (ஆடியன்சை சொல்றாரோ?)

4. நான் பஞ்ச பூதத்தோட மொத்த உருவம்டா..(மொத்தமான உருவம்னு சொல்லுங்க)

5. எல்லா சூழ்நிலையிலும் நான் தாழ்வா இருப்பேன்,ஆனா தாழ்ந்துபோக மாட்டேன். (மொத்தத்தில எங்களை வாழந்து போக விட மாட்டீங்க)

6. என்னைப்பத்தி தெரியும் இல்ல,பேச்சு மூச்சு இல்லாம கோமால கிடக்கறவனைக்கூட விசாரனை பண்ணி உண்மையை வரவழைக்கறவன் நான். (உங்களைப்பத்தி தெரிஞ்சிருந்தா இப்படி வந்து மாட்டுவோமா?)

7. இருட்டுல கூட நிழலை கண்டுபிடிக்கறவண்டா நானு.கண் வெச்சாலும் சரி,GUN வெச்சாலும் சரி,என் குறி தப்பாது
(உங்க குறி ஆடியன்சா?)

8.குற்றம் நடந்த பிறகு பாதுகாப்பு தர்றது பெரிய விஷயம் இல்லை.குற்றம் நடப்பதற்கு முன்னாலயே புரொடக்‌ஷன் தர்றதுதான் போலீஸோட வேலை.

9. குளத்துல நீச்சல் பழகுனவன் ஆத்தை கண்டு பயப்படுவான்,ஆத்துல நீச்சல் பழகுனவன்  கடலைக்கண்டு பயப்படுவான்.கடல்ல நீச்சல் பழகுனவன் எதைக்கண்டும் பயப்பட மாட்டான்.

10.  எதுக்குப்பிரச்சனை,அவங்களைத்திரும்பி வரச்சொல்லிடலாமா?

திரும்பி வர்றவன் நம்ம ஸ்டூடண்ட்ஸ் இல்லை,மத்தவங்களை திரும்பி பார்க்க வைக்கறவன் தான் உண்மையான ஸ்டூட்ண்ட்ஸ்.

11. பைப் மட்டும்தான் போட்டாங்க,தண்ணீர் வர்லை.

பைசா வாங்கிட்டு  ஓட்டு போட்டா பைப் மட்டும்தான் வரும்.

12. மத்தவங்க முடியற தூரம் வரை மட்டும்தான் ஓடுவாங்க..ஆனா நான் முடிக்கற தூரம் வரை ஓடுவேன்.

13.சட்டம் உனக்கு வார்த்தையாத்தான் இருக்கு ,எனக்கு வாழ்க்கையாவே இருக்கு.

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Monday, December 13, 2010

OpenLeaks & the leaked online chat of Daniel Domscheit-Berg

One of the major criticism of WikiLeaks is its lack of care for the informants and collaborators it exposes by releasing the secret documents without giving proper time to it. Even Several WikiLeaks members abandoned the site following perceived autocratic behaviour by Mr Assange. They said he failed to consult them on many decisions and put himself front and centre of everything WikiLeaks did.

Many of the WikiLeaks members already resigned and one such prominent figure is Daniel Domscheit-Berg, he is the public face of WikiLeaks next to Assange. This guy, along with several other former Wikileaks staffers, plans to launch a website OpenLeaks. This new site will let the users submit documents securely and anonymously. But unlike its parent site, it won’t publish that information itself. Instead, it will allow the source to designate any media or non-governmental organizations he or she chooses and have that information passed on for fact-checking, redaction and publication.The new site, would be "democratically governed by all its members, rather than limited to one group or individual".

When the sex crime investigation against Assange heated up , he accused that some of his close aids are helping people to organize this plot against him. This comment left some of the WikiLeaks staffs more concerned and they felt that Assange should stop making such comments and should not take much center stage in WikiLeaks. This concern is leaketo a Newsweek blogger by someone.

Assange suspected Domscheit-Berg was the source of that leak. The text of the chat that ended Domscheit-Berg’s tenure at WikiLeaks follows.
Domscheit-Berg: what are the agreements re iraq? i need to understand what the plan is there, and what the constraints are
Assange: “A person in close contact with other WikiLeaks activists around Europe, who asked for anonymity when discussing a sensitive topic, says that many of them were privately concerned that Assange has continued to spread allegations of dirty tricks and hint at conspiracies against him without justification. Insiders say that some people affiliated with the website are already
Assange: brainsorming whether ther e might be some way to persuade their front man to step aside, or failing that, even to oust him.”
Domscheit-Berg: what does that have to do with me?
Domscheit-Berg: and where is this from?
Assange: Why do you think it has something to do with you?
Domscheit-Berg: probably because you alleg this was me
Domscheit-Berg: but other than that just about nothing
Domscheit-Berg: as discussed yesterday, this is an ongoing discussion that lots of people have voiced concern about
Domscheit-Berg: you should face this, rather than trying to shoot at the only person that even cares to be honest about it towards you
Assange: No, three people have “relayed” your messages already.
Domscheit-Berg: what messages?
Domscheit-Berg: and what three people?
Domscheit-Berg: this issue was discussed
Domscheit-Berg: [Redacted] and i talked about it, [Redacted] talked about it, [Redacted] talked about it, [Redacted] talked about it
Domscheit-Berg: lots of people that care for this project have issued that precise suggestion
Domscheit-Berg: its not me that is spreading this message
Domscheit-Berg: it would just be the natural step to take
Domscheit-Berg: and thats what pretty much anyone says
Assange: Was this you?
Domscheit-Berg: i didnt speak to newsweek or other media representatives about this
Domscheit-Berg: i spoke to people we work with and that have an interest in and care about this project
Domscheit-Berg: and there is nothing wrong about this
Domscheit-Berg: it’d actually be needed much more, and i can still only recommend you to finally start listening to such concerns
Domscheit-Berg: especially when one fuckup is happening after the other
Assange: who, exactly?
Domscheit-Berg: who exactly what?
Assange: Who have you spoken to about this issue?
Domscheit-Berg: i already told you up there
Assange: those are the only persons?
Domscheit-Berg: some folks from the club have asked me about it and i have issued that i think this would be the best behaviour
Domscheit-Berg: thats my opinion
Domscheit-Berg: and this is also in light to calm down the anger there about what happened in 2007
Assange: how many people at the club?
Domscheit-Berg: i dont have to answer to you on this j
Domscheit-Berg: this debate is fuckin all over the place, and no one understands why you go into denial, especially not the people that know about other incidents
Assange: How many people at the club?
Assange: In what venue?
Domscheit-Berg: in private chats
Domscheit-Berg: but i will not answer anymore of these questions
Domscheit-Berg: face the fact that you have not much trust on the inside anymore
Domscheit-Berg: and that just denying it or putting it away as a campaign against you will not change that it is solely a consequence of your actions
Domscheit-Berg: and not mine
Assange: How many people are represented by these private chats? And what are there positions in the CCC?
Domscheit-Berg: people in the CCC know about 2007
Domscheit-Berg: go figure
Domscheit-Berg: i dont even wanna think about how many people that used to respect you told me that they feel disappointed by your reactions
Domscheit-Berg: i tried to tell you all this, but in all your hybris you dont even care
Domscheit-Berg: so i dont care anymore either
Domscheit-Berg: other than that, i had questions first, and i need answers
Domscheit-Berg: like what agreements we have made
Domscheit-Berg: i need to understand this so we can continue working
Domscheit-Berg: you keep stalling other peoples work
Assange: How many people are represented by these private chats? And what are there positions in the CCC?
Domscheit-Berg: start answering my questions j
Assange: This is not a quid-pro-quo.
Assange: Are you refusing to answer?
Domscheit-Berg: i have already told you again that i dont see why i should answer to you anymore just because you want answers, but on the same hand refuse to answer anything i am asking
Domscheit-Berg: i am not a dog you can contain the way you want to j
Assange: I am investigation a serious security breach. Are you refusing to answer?
Domscheit-Berg: i am investigating a serious breach in trust. are you refusing to answer?
Assange: No you are not. I initiated this conversation. Answer the question please.
Domscheit-Berg: i initiated it
Domscheit-Berg: if you look above
Domscheit-Berg: twice already
Domscheit-Berg: i want to know what the agreements are in respect to iraq
Assange: That is a procedural issue. Don’t play games with me.
Domscheit-Berg: stop shooting at messengers
Assange: I’ve had it.
Domscheit-Berg: likewise, and that doesnt go just for me
Assange: If you do not answer the question, you will be removed.
Domscheit-Berg: you are not anyones king or god
Domscheit-Berg: and you’re not even fulfilling your role as a leader right now
Domscheit-Berg: a leader communicates and cultivates trust in himself
Domscheit-Berg: you are doing the exact opposite
Domscheit-Berg: you behave like some kind of emporer or slave trader
Assange: You are suspended for one month, effective immediately.
Domscheit-Berg: haha
Domscheit-Berg: right
Domscheit-Berg: because of what?
Domscheit-Berg: and who even says that?
Domscheit-Berg: you? another adhoc decision?
Assange: If you wish to appeal, you will be heard on Tuesday.
[Chat transcript Source:]

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Friday, December 10, 2010

App Hub - App Sales report now available!!!

Back in Mid October Microsoft launched App StoreLike Apple’s iTunes connect or Google’s Android Developer Console, Windows Phone 7 has a centralized location called App Hub for developers to submit apps, manage account details, and request support .

The problem with the App hub is developers where not able to track the sales report. I have already discussed about the importance of collecting metrics if you are an app developer in this post.

Now that issue is resolved, App Hub gained a new “Reports” tab, wherein developers can generate sales reports based on any time frame since launch, drilled down to any country with access to the Windows Phone 7 market.

One more good news is Microsoft initially announced that they will not be able to pay developers until February, but yesterday they announced that they will be able to start sending out checks in January itself.

But unlike Android or iOS Microsoft lacks the appeal for developers to bring new apps to their platform and there are lot of issues with App Hub . Let us see how Microsoft resolves all the issues and build a cult around its new platform.

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Chrome OS Pilot Program

As I said earlier Chrome OS is coming. Google will be distributing a notebook called Cr-48 which runs Chrome OS. These are not for sale, they are designed as a test unit. Consumers will be able to apply for this, however, but Google isn’t giving it away to just anyone. On its Facebook Fan Page, they ran a promotion a couple days, announcing a sticker for a Chrome laptop, if you did that quiz, you have a chance of winning a notebook. If you go to and make a video showing why you’re an ideal candidate for this, you’ll have a chance to snag a notebook. And if you don’t fall into any of those buckets, you can go to this page to apply.

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Julian Assange Arrested

In my earlier post  about the cable gate, I was wondering about what could happen if Assange was an Indian releasing dozens of classified documents of Indian politicians. 

Well, its all over for now at least for Assange not for the WikiLeaks though. Julian Assange was arrested yesterday in UK (He surrendered himself for facing the sex crime charges against him).  Earlier interpol had issued a "Red Notice" against Assange for sex crime raised in Sweden. He was even denied bail with the reason being he has a “nomadic life”, refused to give his address and there is no record of his entry to the UK. 

The biggest challenge for him is to escape from the American authorities. Now that British government is considering extraditing Assange to Sweden. If British authorities grant the Swedish request, Assange would be flown to a country that shares a significantly stricter extradition treaty with the United States. Swedish extradition treaty with the United States does not cover crimes that are political and military in nature.

Since Assange is an Australian citizen with a valid Australian passport, the Australian government is in a fix. The supporters of Assange in Australia has planned mass agitation against government if Assange is eventually extradited to the United States. However Australian government has planned to provide Consular support to Assange.

So the moral of the story is you will nailed if you expose someone.

Note: Assange is leading Time Magazine person of the year poll.

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Investing Early

I was talking to my friends brother who recently joined a software company, after a while we where discussing about investing. Then I asked him how much of savings he has, I hear him saying that it is too early for him to think about savings. The problem is that he fails to remember that age is proportional to the commitment and the commitment is inversely proportional to the savings power.

Some people in mid 30's say that "hey I got a home for 35Lakhs and I am paying an EMI of 35000 per month, thats a lot of savings so why should I invest extra". My question is why you consider your EMI as an investment? home loan has two components in it Principal and Interest. Buying an house is a good investment but did we really sell it in crisis situation? Real estate is a tough bet, you cant guarentee its appreciation, a slum clearence board or garbage dumping yard project near your plot may be a severe blow to its value, moreover it has poor liquidity.

Investing  is not only about preserving your capital, it is about earning modest interest with moderate risk. It is not neccessary that you need atleast 1 Lakh to begin investing. Starting early with waterver money even with Rs.2000 per month will also have a great impact on your savings on later part of your life. I will present a small illustration which will show some power of investing early

Let's compare two friends – Ondipuli and Kaipulai. Ondipuli starts saving Rs 50000 per year from the time he is 25. After 10 years he decides to stop investing. By that time the investment grows to Rs. 8.77  Lakhs assuming 10% intrest. 

Ondipuli lets the Rs 8.77 Lakh grow and assuming that it continues to earn a reurn of 10% every year he would have been able to accumulate around Rs. 95 Lakhs by the time he turns 60. So the Rs 5 Lakhs (50000 * 10) he had invested in first 10 years has grown to Rs 95 Lakhs.

On the other hand, Kaipullai starts investing Rs 50000 per year when he is 35 and continues investing this amount every year till he is 60. i.e for 25 years. Assuming he also earns a return of 10% every year, he would have been able to save only Rs. 54 Lakhs.

Even after investing Rs 50000 regularly for 25 years, Kaipullai has managed to accumulate Rs 54 Lakhs, which is around Rs 41 Lakh less that Ondipulli.

As the corpus grows the impact of compounding is greater. Ondipuli as we know managed to accumulate Rs 8.7 lakh after 10 years and then stopped investing after that and left the corpus grow for another 25 years. Let us say he had allowed the corpus to grow only for 20 years then he would have accumulated a corpus of Rs 59 lakh, by letting it grow for another 5 years he managed to get Rs 36 Lakh more.

What are you waiting for? Start investing right away!!!

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Friday, December 3, 2010

Dennis Gartman’s Trading Rules List

  1. Never, under any circumstance add to a losing position…. ever! Nothing more need be said; to do otherwise will eventually and absolutely lead to ruin!
  2. Trade like a mercenary guerrilla. We must fight on the winning side and be willing to change sides readily when one side has gained the upper hand.
  3. Capital comes in two varieties: Mental and that which is in your pocket or account. Of the two types of capital, the mental is the more important and expensive of the two. Holding to losing positions costs measurable sums of actual capital, but it costs immeasurable sums of mental capital.
  4. The objective is not to buy low and sell high, but to buy high and to sell higher. We can never know what price is “low.” Nor can we know what price is “high.” Always remember that sugar once fell from $1.25/lb to 2 cent/lb and seemed “cheap” many times along the way.
  5. In bull markets we can only be long or neutral, and in bear markets we can only be short or neutral. That may seem self-evident; it is not, and it is a lesson learned too late by far too many.
  6. “Markets can remain illogical longer than you or I can remain solvent,” according to our good friend, Dr. A. Gary Shilling. Illogic often reigns and markets are enormously inefficient despite what the academics believe.
  7. Sell markets that show the greatest weakness, and buy those that show the greatest strength. Metaphorically, when bearish, throw your rocks into the wettest paper sack, for they break most readily. In bull markets, we need to ride upon the strongest winds… they shall carry us higher than shall lesser ones.
  8. Try to trade the first day of a gap, for gaps usually indicate violent new action. We have come to respect “gaps” in our nearly thirty years of watching markets; when they happen (especially in stocks) they are usually very important.
  9. Trading runs in cycles: some good; most bad. Trade large and aggressively when trading well; trade small and modestly when trading poorly. In “good times,” even errors are profitable; in “bad times” even the most well researched trades go awry. This is the nature of trading; accept it.
  10. To trade successfully, think like a fundamentalist; trade like a technician. It is imperative that we understand the fundamentals driving a trade, but also that we understand the market’s technicals. When we do, then, and only then, can we or should we, trade.
  11. Respect “outside reversals” after extended bull or bear runs. Reversal days on the charts signal the final exhaustion of the bullish or bearish forces that drove the market previously. Respect them, and respect even more “weekly” and “monthly,” reversals.
  12. Keep your technical systems simple. Complicated systems breed confusion; simplicity breeds elegance.
  13. Respect and embrace the very normal 50-62% retracements that take prices back to major trends. If a trade is missed, wait patiently for the market to retrace. Far more often than not, retracements happen… just as we are about to give up hope that they shall not.
  14. An understanding of mass psychology is often more important than an understanding of economics. Markets are driven by human beings making human errors and also making super-human insights.
  15. Establish initial positions on strength in bull markets and on weakness in bear markets. The first “addition” should also be added on strength as the market shows the trend to be working. Henceforth, subsequent additions are to be added on retracements.
  16. Bear markets are more violent than are bull markets and so also are their retracements.
  17. Be patient with winning trades; be enormously impatient with losing trades. Remember it is quite possible to make large sums trading/investing if we are “right” only 30% of the time, as long as our losses are small and our profits are large.
  18. The market is the sum total of the wisdom … and the ignorance…of all of those who deal in it; and we dare not argue with the market’s wisdom. If we learn nothing more than this we’ve learned much indeed.
  19.  Do more of that which is working and less of that which is not: If a market is strong, buy more; if a market is weak, sell more. New highs are to be bought; new lows sold.
  20. The hard trade is the right trade: If it is easy to sell, don’t; and if it is easy to buy, don’t. Do the trade that is hard to do and that which the crowd finds objectionable. Peter Steidlmayer taught us this twenty five years ago and it holds truer now than then.
  21. There is never one cockroach! This is the “winning” new rule submitted by our friend, Tom Powell.
  22. All rules are meant to be broken: The trick is knowing when… and how infrequently this rule may be invoked.

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