Monday, December 13, 2010

OpenLeaks & the leaked online chat of Daniel Domscheit-Berg

One of the major criticism of WikiLeaks is its lack of care for the informants and collaborators it exposes by releasing the secret documents without giving proper time to it. Even Several WikiLeaks members abandoned the site following perceived autocratic behaviour by Mr Assange. They said he failed to consult them on many decisions and put himself front and centre of everything WikiLeaks did.

Many of the WikiLeaks members already resigned and one such prominent figure is Daniel Domscheit-Berg, he is the public face of WikiLeaks next to Assange. This guy, along with several other former Wikileaks staffers, plans to launch a website OpenLeaks. This new site will let the users submit documents securely and anonymously. But unlike its parent site, it won’t publish that information itself. Instead, it will allow the source to designate any media or non-governmental organizations he or she chooses and have that information passed on for fact-checking, redaction and publication.The new site, would be "democratically governed by all its members, rather than limited to one group or individual".

When the sex crime investigation against Assange heated up , he accused that some of his close aids are helping people to organize this plot against him. This comment left some of the WikiLeaks staffs more concerned and they felt that Assange should stop making such comments and should not take much center stage in WikiLeaks. This concern is leaketo a Newsweek blogger by someone.

Assange suspected Domscheit-Berg was the source of that leak. The text of the chat that ended Domscheit-Berg’s tenure at WikiLeaks follows.
Domscheit-Berg: what are the agreements re iraq? i need to understand what the plan is there, and what the constraints are
Assange: “A person in close contact with other WikiLeaks activists around Europe, who asked for anonymity when discussing a sensitive topic, says that many of them were privately concerned that Assange has continued to spread allegations of dirty tricks and hint at conspiracies against him without justification. Insiders say that some people affiliated with the website are already
Assange: brainsorming whether ther e might be some way to persuade their front man to step aside, or failing that, even to oust him.”
Domscheit-Berg: what does that have to do with me?
Domscheit-Berg: and where is this from?
Assange: Why do you think it has something to do with you?
Domscheit-Berg: probably because you alleg this was me
Domscheit-Berg: but other than that just about nothing
Domscheit-Berg: as discussed yesterday, this is an ongoing discussion that lots of people have voiced concern about
Domscheit-Berg: you should face this, rather than trying to shoot at the only person that even cares to be honest about it towards you
Assange: No, three people have “relayed” your messages already.
Domscheit-Berg: what messages?
Domscheit-Berg: and what three people?
Domscheit-Berg: this issue was discussed
Domscheit-Berg: [Redacted] and i talked about it, [Redacted] talked about it, [Redacted] talked about it, [Redacted] talked about it
Domscheit-Berg: lots of people that care for this project have issued that precise suggestion
Domscheit-Berg: its not me that is spreading this message
Domscheit-Berg: it would just be the natural step to take
Domscheit-Berg: and thats what pretty much anyone says
Assange: Was this you?
Domscheit-Berg: i didnt speak to newsweek or other media representatives about this
Domscheit-Berg: i spoke to people we work with and that have an interest in and care about this project
Domscheit-Berg: and there is nothing wrong about this
Domscheit-Berg: it’d actually be needed much more, and i can still only recommend you to finally start listening to such concerns
Domscheit-Berg: especially when one fuckup is happening after the other
Assange: who, exactly?
Domscheit-Berg: who exactly what?
Assange: Who have you spoken to about this issue?
Domscheit-Berg: i already told you up there
Assange: those are the only persons?
Domscheit-Berg: some folks from the club have asked me about it and i have issued that i think this would be the best behaviour
Domscheit-Berg: thats my opinion
Domscheit-Berg: and this is also in light to calm down the anger there about what happened in 2007
Assange: how many people at the club?
Domscheit-Berg: i dont have to answer to you on this j
Domscheit-Berg: this debate is fuckin all over the place, and no one understands why you go into denial, especially not the people that know about other incidents
Assange: How many people at the club?
Assange: In what venue?
Domscheit-Berg: in private chats
Domscheit-Berg: but i will not answer anymore of these questions
Domscheit-Berg: face the fact that you have not much trust on the inside anymore
Domscheit-Berg: and that just denying it or putting it away as a campaign against you will not change that it is solely a consequence of your actions
Domscheit-Berg: and not mine
Assange: How many people are represented by these private chats? And what are there positions in the CCC?
Domscheit-Berg: people in the CCC know about 2007
Domscheit-Berg: go figure
Domscheit-Berg: i dont even wanna think about how many people that used to respect you told me that they feel disappointed by your reactions
Domscheit-Berg: i tried to tell you all this, but in all your hybris you dont even care
Domscheit-Berg: so i dont care anymore either
Domscheit-Berg: other than that, i had questions first, and i need answers
Domscheit-Berg: like what agreements we have made
Domscheit-Berg: i need to understand this so we can continue working
Domscheit-Berg: you keep stalling other peoples work
Assange: How many people are represented by these private chats? And what are there positions in the CCC?
Domscheit-Berg: start answering my questions j
Assange: This is not a quid-pro-quo.
Assange: Are you refusing to answer?
Domscheit-Berg: i have already told you again that i dont see why i should answer to you anymore just because you want answers, but on the same hand refuse to answer anything i am asking
Domscheit-Berg: i am not a dog you can contain the way you want to j
Assange: I am investigation a serious security breach. Are you refusing to answer?
Domscheit-Berg: i am investigating a serious breach in trust. are you refusing to answer?
Assange: No you are not. I initiated this conversation. Answer the question please.
Domscheit-Berg: i initiated it
Domscheit-Berg: if you look above
Domscheit-Berg: twice already
Domscheit-Berg: i want to know what the agreements are in respect to iraq
Assange: That is a procedural issue. Don’t play games with me.
Domscheit-Berg: stop shooting at messengers
Assange: I’ve had it.
Domscheit-Berg: likewise, and that doesnt go just for me
Assange: If you do not answer the question, you will be removed.
Domscheit-Berg: you are not anyones king or god
Domscheit-Berg: and you’re not even fulfilling your role as a leader right now
Domscheit-Berg: a leader communicates and cultivates trust in himself
Domscheit-Berg: you are doing the exact opposite
Domscheit-Berg: you behave like some kind of emporer or slave trader
Assange: You are suspended for one month, effective immediately.
Domscheit-Berg: haha
Domscheit-Berg: right
Domscheit-Berg: because of what?
Domscheit-Berg: and who even says that?
Domscheit-Berg: you? another adhoc decision?
Assange: If you wish to appeal, you will be heard on Tuesday.
[Chat transcript Source:]

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