Monday, December 20, 2010

JuiceBerry Addin App

I was busy developing this new App for outlook. I have named it as JuiceBerry(Poor man's Blackberry). Now you can receive email and calendar alerts for Outlook in SMS. Since I don't find any free SMS gateway, I am using Google Calendars SMS feature to make this app work.  Here is the deployment procedure for the App. Anyone who like to use this App add a comment I will share you the setup file. Your feedback about the app are highly appreciated.


Now receive Outlook email and Calendar alerts on your mobile phone via SMS. An extremely amazing service for you, which is newly developed and tested. It sends out SMS for every email you receive in your outlook Inbox and for every appointment alert in your calendar.

  •          MS Outlook 2007
  •          Valid Google Account

Step 1: Setting up JuiceBerry Alert
  • Double-click the setup.exe file. The JuiceBerry PushMail Addin Setup gets displayed.
           Note: Before you get going, make sure to close Outlook 2007.
  • Click on Accept button to proceed ahead. Once the required files are downloaded, Microsoft Office Customization Installer gets displayed.
  •  Click on Install button to install the customization.
  •  Click the Close button to complete the set up process.

Step 2: Validating your Mobile Number    

For MS Outlook users, Google provides a Calendar Sync feature which will keep your Google and Outlook Calendar sync. Thus, you can get SMS alert once you receive an email in your outlook.

To validate your mobile number:
  • Go to Google and Sign in.
  • After you login to google calendar (, click on the Settings>Mobile Set up tab.
  •  Enter mobile number and validate your number.
Step 3: Configuring JuiceBerry Alerts to your Outlook Menu Bar
  • Open Outlook 2007, after you validate your mobile number.
  • Right-click the Outlook Menu Bar, click JuiceBerry Alerts. The configuration button gets displayed in the menu bar.
  • Click the Configurations button. The JuiceBerry configuration gets displayed.
  • Enter your Gmail credentials. Select Received eMail and Appoinment Alert checkboxes.
  • You can receive notifications via SMS, Gmail or Calendar Alert in Google Calendar, so choose the options accordingly.
  • Click the Submit button.

You are done. You will be receiving SMS alerts, whenever you get a new email or Meeting request alert in your outlook.               

Instructions for use
  • JuiceBerry Alerts only works when Outlook is running. Let’s say you want to restart or shutdown your machine for a while, make sure to enter your Gmail credentials by clicking the configuration button in Outlook once you resume back.
  • Make sure you have Outlook 2007, for the JuiceBerry Alert to work.
  • The product connects Google Calendar>Settings>Mobile Setup to configure your mobile number. Hence make sure to have a valid Google Account and Mobile Number.

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