Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My Wife is a TupperWare consultant now

Yes, my Wife joined the TupperWare bandwagon yesterday. Her carrier path has undergone a tremendous variations,  she experiments a lot with her carrier. She worked as a test engineer, Data-warehousing analyst, consultant and a freelancer. After giving birth to my kid she quit her job and was looking after him. Now he is one year old and she started venturing into another entrepreneurial path.

I came to know about TupperWare when I got my first lunch box, it was very handy, it wont spill and also I can use it in Microwave to pre-heat it. I initially thought they manufacture only lunch boxes but now I came to know that there are hell lot of things they have. There are lots of things to get from TupperWare like canisters, dry storage boxes, water bottles, sippers, refrigerator boxes etc.

So if you guys need anything on TupperWare contact me!!!

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1 comment:

  1. And I thought only your wife is doing the Tprwre Consultant job !
