Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Indian Hackers paid tribute to 26/11 martyr

More than 35 websites of Pakistan government including Pakistan Navy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Assembly, Pakistan's Military Account and the Ministry of Science and Technology have been hacked by the Indian hackers code named Indian Cyber Army on Tuesday. They have posted the picture of Indian flag and patriotic songs in those websites as a tribute to 26/11 martyr.  In the era were China is very aggressive in Cyber War fare, it is better that our government uses the service of these hackers to protect our servers. Already there is a rumor that the National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO) along with Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) is working on for creating cyber-offensive capabilities. NTRO is a key government agency that gathers technical intelligence while DIA is tasked with collating inputs from the Navy, Army and Air Force.

The hackers had inserted the following page on the websites declaring that they had successfully rooted the server. This is just to prove that they can deface the website too.

Rest In Peace
The Hero's of 26/11 Who Lai their precious life for the country people

Pakistan's Main Gov Server 0wned? r00ted? Hell Yes It iS ;)
Everything is in our hands now .
If You Wanna See The Mighty Indian Flag On Your FIA Then Dare To Touch the Indian Servers. We Are Not Scared of Being Caught For Doing This B'coz We are Not doing for Showoff or E-Fame Like You Guys we are Doing for Our Country and If we are going down Hell We'll Take You Also With us So Decide your self Want Fun or Your life? as our motto goes For INDIA AnYThing and We Are Ready to do anything
Defacing 80% of Your Whole Gov Server n0w The Rest Will depend on you
Well Well Wel from ica n indishell only 4 members defaced rooted servers on 26/11 b'coz we are Least Intrested in your F***** WeBsiTes
you guyz started barking & defacing indian sites wid msg tat u'll destroy indian cyber space .. plz use some new lines
Why dont you Guys Understnd

y0ur Countries FutuRe is in trouble
aNd Bc0z of some Idiot Pakistanis whole Pakistan is being given Bad words....
we were not intrested in defacemnts but you guyz .. forced us to show your limits & What is INDIAN POWER

we aRe :- -[SiLeNtp0is0n]- , LuCkY, InX_ro0t , jackh4x0r, Darkl00k ,Ne0h4ck3r , Mr52 , Th3.rdx , Str1k3r , G00gl3warr10r , Atuldwivedi , c00lt0ad , eXesouL


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1 comment:

  1. Very nice flow.Good article
    Very nice flow.Good article
    Very nice flow.Good article
    Very nice flow.Good article
    Very nice flow.Good article
