Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Microsoft's answer to SIRI

Microsoft has demonstrated TTS(Text to speach) system in TechFest 2012. In the demo Rick Rashid, Microsoft’s chief research officer, says a long sentence in English, and then has it translated into Spanish, Italian, and Mandarin in his own voice. Overall it is an excellent demo. Though it is an early stage and the system requires one hour of training to understand the voice patterns of the speaker, the prospects are huge 

In future you can install an app in your windows mobile and talk in English to a Chinese guy and the app can translate it for you in real time. In the demo even they have shown a system to model your face and it even lip sync your speech in Chinese. 

It will be very much helpful for travelers and in future language training centers, translators might be obsolete, this app is like a universal remote!!!

It will be much helpful for people in India and help them to migrate to other cities without any fear.

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