Friday, June 3, 2011

Windows 8

Steven Sinofsky has today finally revealed the new Windows 8 tablet UI at D9, which is very much like the Windows Phone 7 or the Zune interface. Microsoft has also announced for the first time that the next version of Windows is at present internally called as Windows 8. According to All Things Digital Windows 8 essentially supports two kinds of applications. One is the classic Windows application, which runs in a desktop very similar to the Windows 7 desktop.The other type of application, which has to be written in HTML5 and Javascript, looks more like a mobile application, filling the full screen. Internet Explorer 10, which is part of Windows 8, has already been configured to run in this mode, as have several widget-like apps for checking stock prices and weather
The start screen pretty much confirms the upcoming Windows Store and all the apps would be downloaded via it. Sinofsky further clarified that Windows 8 would have Internet Explorer 10 by default which we have mentioned earlier.
The company has posted few aspects of the new interface which was shown today at D9:
  • Fast launching of apps from a tile-based Start screen, which replaces the Windows Start menu with a customizable, scalable full-screen view of apps.
  • Live tiles with notifications, showing always up-to-date information from your apps.
  • Fluid, natural switching between running apps.
  • Convenient ability to snap and resize an app to the side of the screen, so you can really multitask using the capabilities of Windows.
  • Web-connected and Web-powered apps built using HTML5 and JavaScript that have access to the full power of the PC.
  • Fully touch-optimized browsing, with all the power of hardware-accelerated Internet Explorer 10.
Here is the Video showing the new Windows 8 UI-

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