Thursday, April 7, 2011

I am going on a Fast tommorow

I am following the protest of Anna Hazare for the past 3 days. I observer that none of the Tamil news channels are giving its due coverage over the issue. When I talk about this people started questioning the motive of Anna or they are ignorant about the whole issue, the height is when I asked one my friend what do you know about Jan Lokpal? he asked me back whether it is a new train like Jan Shatabdi??? . I don't know when people will get united across India for a particular cause (apart from cricket). We are separated by language, religion, caste etc, the history teach us "Unity in diversity" but I feel the same diversity is preventing us to unite and fight for a particular cause. 

If there is a bomb blast in Kashmir no one in Tamilnadu cares, if a fisherman is killed by Srilankan navy no one from north India cares. At least Anna is bringing people across states together, I want to show him my solidarity and bring awareness about the importance of Jan Lokpal bill. So I decided to go on a fast tommorow.  If someone from my office is willing to join me please let me know. We will work and continue our fast, we will meet sometime in afternoon in cafeteria (45 mins) and discuss what is in the Lokpal bill & ways to eradicate corruption. 

I request people from other organisation to do the same and at least bring an awareness about the issue.

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