Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tear Duct Probing Day!!!

My kids tear duct probing was scheduled on 15th and the doctor instructed us to get admitted on 14th evening itself. More than probing we were worried about the admission; we were not sure how our kid will adjust to the hospital environment.  Even though it was only a day’s stay we need to carry a lot of stuff to the hospital.  Here is the list of items that we carried (May be useful checklist).

We reached Shankara Nethralaya main campus around 4.30 PM. We had to wait for an hour to get our admission after that we were taken to DB block and were asked whether we would like to get admitted in general ward (4 People sharing) which is Rs.700 or take an independent room which is Rs.2500. We opted for an independent room.

The room was above our expectations; it was an air-conditioned room with TV, Airtel DTH, additional bed and even room service. We bought couple of toys for my kid to play, so he started playing with it. The hospital staffs were highly cooperative; they answered all our questions and were very helpful. The doctor visited us and informed that the surgery is at 8 AM next morning. Since they are going to give GA( General Anesthesia) they asked us to stop feeding him by 2 AM (Not even water 6 hours before GA).

Everything was fine for an hour and my kid started showing frustration of being in the same room, he started crying to go out. My wife and I took turn in taking him around the corridor and he finally slept around 9 PM.  We feed him with milk once at 10 PM and by 2 AM. We woke up at 5 AM and he was sleeping very well. He woke up at 7 AM and started crying for milk. We took him outside the room to calm him down but we couldn’t. Whenever he saw water bottle he showed finger at it and started asking for it. It was toughest moment in our life when our kid was crying for something and we are in a position to give it but restricting ourselves.

Sharply at 8.00 AM they took him into the operation theatre. After 20 mins they called us and informed that the probing is over and we can give him water after an hour and milk after 2 hours. He was crying like anything and my wife started crying on seeing him. We took him to the room and made him sleep. He slept nonstop for 2 hours and by the time we finished all the paperwork for our discharge. 

We were advised to give eye drops 4 times a day and continue with the massage for another 3 months. He was discharged at 1.00 PM and left home. We could see a drastic improvement in his eyes. Now there is no matting or sticky eyes anymore and occasionally we could see some tears in his eyes but doctor told us there will be improvement one month post surgery. Anyways we are happy with the outcome of the surgery.

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