Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Stem Cell Banking - A Tip for parenting

I heard about stem cell banking when my wife was pregnant. We had only little idea about it, I was very reluctant at the beginning to go for it since we were scared about the risk involved in it. When we later found out the process of collection and advantages of stem cell banking we immediately signed for it.  

What is a Stem Cell?
Stem cells are unspecialized cells that have two defining properties: the ability to differentiate into other cells and the ability to self-regenerate. 

What is Stem Cell Therapy?
Stem Cell Therapy is used highly in treatment of following disease

  • Leukemia
  • Marrow Failure
  • Cancer
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Spinal cord injuries

What is Stem Cell Banking?
When the baby is delivered usually the placenta is removed and thrown as a waste (In some parts of Tamilnadu the portion of placenta will be placed in a metal ( தாயத்து ) and tied around the hip). Researchers have found out that the blood in the placenta is a huge source of stem cells. 

The Procedure
First you have to enroll with a Stem Cell banking service provider. They will give you a cord blood collection kit which you should carry with you during the delivery day. Make sure to store the phone numbers of the service provider and inform them while you are leaving to the hospital. An agent will visit the hospital and will be there till the baby is born. Once the baby is born the agent will collect the cord blood from the placenta and leave.

The collected cord blood cells are processed and the collection report will be sent to you. If there is sufficient stem cell then it will be stored in different quantity and a storage certificate will be sent to you. In case if there is shortage in the stem cell count then the entire amount excluding the processing fee will be refunded.

Who are the service providers in India?
  • LifeCell
  • CryoBank
  • JeevanCell:  Jeevan Cell has a public cell bank where you can  donate the cells. They can use the cells for any matching persons on first come first serve basis. If needed in future you can collect them back by paying the processing and storage charges (If it is still available with them).

How much it costs?
It will cost around Rs. 70000.


1. Does collecting cord blood affect the baby? 
No. Cord blood is collected only after the birth of the baby and after clamping of the cord. The baby is in no way deprived of blood as the routine process of delivery is not interfered with in any way.

2. Does the cord blood collection harm the mother?
No, it does not harm the mother in any way. It is a completely safe, harmless and painless procedure.

Who can use the stem cells?

The preserved stem cells are available as a perfect match for the child from whose umbilical cord they were collected. Because there is an increased chance of a match with a sibling, parents may choose to make the stem cells available to siblings or other family members who may need them. That decision is yours to make.

4. I am planning for the delivery in a rural area where the service provider cant come, what should I do?
It is not a problem, you can carry the collection kit and hand it over to the gynecologist who is doing the delivery. The kit has specific instructions which helps them to collect the cord blood and preserve it for 24 hours. After collection you can send it to them. 

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